Assembled by Ray Jivoff
Music by Brett Ryback
A whimsical new musical celebrating nature, conservation and young writers.
The show will feature the writing of local students, presented by professional actors. The writing will center on nature and conservation, making it a perfect companion piece to The Mountains Call My Name. A new collaboration between Northern Sky and Write On Door County.
Ray Jivoff has worked with students for years, unlocking their creative writing potential and weaving the results into a collection of stories, poems, songs, and vignettes. “We thought hearing one of the earliest voices on the subject of conservation along with the voices of our young people would be a wonderful synthesis on a very relevant topic,” explained Associate Artistic Director Molly Rhode.
Showing July 2 – August 27, 2020 • Thursdays at 5pm
Canceled for Summer 2020 due to novel coronavirus pandemic