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Our 2023 End of Year Letter

Dear Friends,

How would you define a successful equation? How about the following four as examples:

You + $8M Capital campaign = a home for Northern Sky

You + $1.75M Rekindle campaign = surviving the pandemic together

You + $1M Burn the Mortgage/Build the Bridge campaign = securing the future 

You + annual Buck in the Bucket campaign = new shows year after year after year 

All of these equations have one obvious constant – YOU.

For our annual appeal this year, we’d like to celebrate and expand on the last of these – our annual Buck in the Bucket campaign. As we say year after year, “The math is simple. If everyone who comes to see us all summer and fall just drops a buck in the bucket, then we have what it takes to get a new show on the boards.

All of the money raised with Buck in the Bucket goes straight into the Fred Alley New Musical Fund. Fred was a co-founder of Northern Sky, and we established this fund in his name soon after he died in 2001. Fred was all about new musicals and really believed in them and their power to illuminate the human spirit. His works live on, of course, with  Lumberjacks in LoveGuys on Ice, and The Spitfire Grill still playing to audiences throughout the United States, and beyond. All of Fred’s shows started right here in Door County, with you being the first to see them.

And now, because of the Fred Alley fund, Northern Sky has been able to continue producing new works, all adding up to 81 original productions enjoyed by hundreds of thousands since 1990, with 57 of those new shows benefiting from the fund.

Want some more math? We need roughly $50,000 to produce one new show, when all is said and done. That means commissioning writers, doing readings and workshops, and eventually putting it on stage. Our annual Buck in the Bucket brings in about that amount and allows for one world premiere a year.

But what if we wanted to do four premieres this coming year? Yes, you read that right. FOUR!

That’s exactly what we have in mind to do, and we want to make sure we have enough in the Fred Alley fund to make that happen. With the amount we’ve already taken in ($50K), we’d still need another $150,000 to make the math work. That successful equation would mean:

You + your usual gift + an extra gift to the Fred Alley New Musical Fund = 4 world premieres

To get you excited about making that commitment, please take a look below to see our 2024 season, which we’re sharing first with you because of your ongoing commitment to Northern Sky.

That’s a crazy, wonderful, exciting season. Wanna help us make it happen? Please consider making your usual generous donation, plus a little extra to the Fred Alley New Musical Fund, and we’ll have what it takes to make it 4 in 2024.

And here’s the final, most important equation for success: You + Northern Sky = joy, laughter, and priceless memories.


Jeffrey Herbst, Artistic Director
Holly Feldman, Managing Director

Board of Directors

Heidi Ling

Thomas A. Moore

Susan Caldwell
Vice Chairperson

Mark Breseman

Katie Dahl

Eric DeJardine

Frederick J. Heide

Paula Kocken

Christine Saldanha

John Sawyer

Bill Theisen

Mailing Address: 9058 County Road A, Fish Creek, WI 54212

To learn more about what including Northern Sky in your estate plans might look like, please contact Holly Feldman at or 920-633-3228.


$25,000 & Up – Belgian Angel
$10,000 to $24,999 – Victory Farmer
$5000 to $9999 – Spitfire Griller
$2500 to $4999 – Windjammer
$1000 to $2499 – Ice Fisher
$500 to $999 – Happy Lumberjack
$300 to $499 – Muskie Lover
$125 to $299 – Galactic Packer
$75 to $124 – Bone Dancer
$25 to $74 – Cheesehead

Company Match

Many companies will match their employees’ donations to non-profit organizations. If your employer participates, please contact them and let them know you would like them to match your donations to Northern Sky. They will have some paperwork for you to complete.

Fred Alley New Musical Fund

Northern Sky produces original musical works. A new show can take three years of writing and workshopping before it is ready for production. Northern Sky needs to provide for our authors and directors with financial resources and time to continue bringing you the excellent shows that have become a standard for Northern Sky. 

Consider a Gift of Stock or Securities

A gift of stock can provide much needed support for Northern Sky and offers you financial benefits as well. Publicly traded securities (stocks, bonds, etc.) may be transferred to Northern Sky, entitling you to an income tax reduction for the full market value of the securities. For more information on how to transfer your securities to Northern Sky, contact Dave Maier at the Northern Sky Office, (920) 633-3227.

If you have any questions, please call Holly Feldman at (920) 633-3228 or send an email to

Our Mailing Address: Northern Sky Theater, 9058 County Road A, Fish Creek, WI, 54212