Playbill Ad Opportunities Available | Northern Sky Theater

Playbill Ad Opportunities Available

Business Owners – we invite you to share in the Northern Sky experience by placing an ad in our Playbill. Northern Sky Theater is the only theatre in Wisconsin, and one of only a few in the nation, that produces original musical shows. Your ad in our playbill will not only give your business repeat exposure to over 35,000 audience members throughout summer and fall, it also helps ensure that Northern Sky will be able to continue to provide original musical theatre at affordable prices to the Door County community and its visitors for years to come.

Our patrons often ask us…
“Where should we stay?”
“Where should we eat?”
“What are some fun places to shop?”
“What else can we do while we’re in Door County?”
We make HUNDREDS of referrals to our BUSINESS PARTNERS every month.

Northern Sky features a FULL-COLOR, “souvenir” playbill! It was a huge hit with our audiences. So many of them took their playbill home that we are actually in danger of running out!

Also, our playbill features a scavenger hunt. We hide our Northern Sky logo in five different ads within our playbill. Patrons are asked to send in a postcard identifying those five ads to enter in a drawing for a gift certificate. You can check it out by going to and scrolling down to our online electronic version of our playbill. The online version allows our web visitors to virtually “page through” and click on your ad to go directly to your website. This unique advertiser “perk” is offered at NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE!

If your business has advertised with us in the past, you will be emailed a copy of the contract in October. You will also receive a hard copy of the contract along with a copy of your previous year’s ad for reference. Pay by December 20th for a significant savings on your ad price.

As further investment in Northern Sky, your business may also want to consider becoming a Show Sponsor. Show Sponsorship includes half off of your half page ad or larger as well as a listing on our marketing materials, not to mention your business announced at the top of every performance! For more information on sponsorships, please call our office and ask for Holly.


Dec. 20th, 2023: Early Bird Discount if Total Payment received.
April 15th, 2024: Contract and Artwork due.
May 10th, 2024: Final Payment due.

It’s Easy! Click link below, Save file to Desktop, Open PDF, print and fill in your business information. When the form is complete, mail the completed contract to Northern Sky w/ payment. Please also email artwork to per instructions on the contract.

Thank you for your support!