The triumphant return of The Jeff & Katie Show–but this time, in person! Join Jeff, Katie, and a special guest live in The Gould Theater. Jeff and Katie will be slinging their signature blend of music, banter, bakery, as well as (drumroll, please) the announcement of Northern Sky’s 2022 season! As always, David Alley will join in the bake-off fun. After the show, everyone is welcome to gather for cider and cookies around Northern Sky’s cozy new fire ring.
The show will also be live-streamed for those who aren’t able to attend in person. (But you don’t want to miss the cookies, do you?)
As of September 13th, 2021, we have updated our health and safety protocols for our indoor productions:
In order to keep our staff and patrons safe, Northern Sky has recently adopted additional health safety protocols at our indoor Gould Theater. Before you purchase your tickets, please read the following procedures carefully.
By purchasing a ticket for a show at the Gould Theater, you will be asked to agree to the following conditions for all members of your party.
· All patrons (except those under 12 years of age) must be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 or obtain a negative Covid-19 test within 48 hours of the performance.
· All patrons must wear a mask at all times inside the theater, lobby, and restrooms.
· All patrons must respect socially distanced seating assignments
All Northern Sky cast, crew, staff, and volunteers have also agreed to these conditions. (Actors will not be masked onstage.)
Northern Sky is an all-ages venue. We appreciate your cooperation in helping to keep all our guests safe (especially those who can’t be vaccinated yet) and our doors open.