Introducing Northern Sky’s
One Act of Kindness Society
Northern Sky’s One Act of Kindness Society celebrates those who have chosen to create a lasting legacy by including Northern Sky in their will, trust, or estate plan. The phrase “one act of kindness” comes from the title of a song in Boxcar, by Laurie Flanigan Hegge and James Valcq. The song insists that one act of kindness often ripples out into many others, opening “doors that were shut” by reminding us “there is good in the world.”
Jim Caldwell created one such ripple when he named Northern Sky in his estate plans. When Jim passed away in 2018, we asked his wife, Susan, how Jim would like to be recognized for his generous gift. Susan said, “Well, Jim’s the kind of guy who would love to have his name on all the practical stuff.” And so now we have the Jim Caldwell Production Building as part of our creative campus where we keep all the “practical stuff” that allows us to make theater magic.
Susan Caldwell, now a member of Northern Sky’s Board of Directors, would like to encourage others to join Jim in our One Act of Kindness Society. Between now and Giving Tuesday (November 30, 2021), Susan will make a $500 donation to our Endowment Fund for every person or couple who indicates to Northern Sky that we are named in their will, trust, or estate plan. Our goal is to hear from twenty-five donors.
To notify us of your plans, or to learn more about what including Northern Sky in your estate plans might look like, please contact Holly Feldman at holly@northernskytheater.com or 920-854-6117 x1005.
Holly Feldman, Managing Director
Board of Directors
Heidi Ling, Chairperson
Susan Caldwell, Vice Chairperson
Thomas A. Moore, Treasurer
Eric DeJardine, Secretary
Mark Breseman
Katie Dahl
Frederick J. Heide
Paula Kocken
Bill Theisen
Christine Saldanha
John Sawyer
Mailing Address: 9058 County Road A, Fish Creek, WI 54212