Mary's Playlist
Available to Watch Now!
A celebration of Mary's 23-year tenure with Northern Sky Join Northern Sky Artists as they perform Mary's favorite songs from around the country. In between songs, Jeff Herbst and Mary Seeberg share favorite memories of her 23 years as Board Chairperson. Invite your whole family – the more the Mary-er! This virtual celebration of Mary's tenure with Northern Sky is not to be missed! Say "Thank You" to Mary for her service by joining us for this momentous evening. To join us for this event: Donate $50 and you’ll receive the super-secret link and the super-secret password to watch the event. You can watch anytime on or after the July 17 premiere. You’ll be supporting Northern Sky’s mission and honoring Mary for her dedication to our organization. It’s a win/win!Featuring selections from Northern Sky favorites:
Fishing for the Moon
Loose Lips Sink Ships
Bone Dance
The Passage
Northern Lights
Spitfire Grill
And If Elected
The Mountains Call My Name
Main Traveled Roads
Our Night in Frog Station
Tongue ‘N Cheek
Appearances By:
Lee Becker, Holly Feldman, Jeff Herbst, Karen Mal, Molly Rhode, Chase Stoeger, Matt Zembrowski, and, of course, Mary Seeberg