Forging a Lasting Legacy
We are thrilled to announce that Northern Sky has received a generous $500,000 challenge gift that will allow us to achieve two critical objectives simultaneously: retire the balance of our construction loan debt and start an endowment fund that will help ensure our company’s long-term sustainability moving forward.
Our anonymous donors have agreed to maximize their impact by endorsing this two-pronged approach. They hope you will join them and have your gift matched dollar for dollar.
By participating in this challenge gift, your investment in Northern Sky will help pay off our debt and avoid long-term interest rate increases beginning 2024. You’ll also be ensuring our long-term financial stability, enabling us to continue presenting the brilliant theater you love for generations to come.
Please join us in forging the future by making a matching contribution to our campaign today. Thank you for your generous support.
The GOAL: $500,000
With your support, we hope to raise $175,000 by the end of 2023. When those funds are matched, we’ll have raised $350,000 that will be applied directly to our mortgage in advance of surging interest rates beginning in 2024. Why $350,000? Well, that just happens to be what we’ll owe on our mortgage once our outstanding pledges are received. Essentially, burning our mortgage!
The remaining goal of our campaign, $325,000, once matched, will allow us to seed our own self-managed endowment with a beginning balance of $650,000. Essentially, building the bridge!
Northern Sky has already taken steps to establish this new endowment by creating our endowment trust document and electing a board of trustees. Those trustees comprise Susan Caldwell, Bob Ling, Mike McCoy, Daniel Myers, and Jeffrey Rosemann. The board is just beginning the work of developing our investment and distribution policies that will serve Northern Sky well into the future.
While this opportunity came as a wonderful surprise to Northern Sky, we recognize that this campaign is truly the next step in our journey to secure our future and become the mature institution that will weather anything that comes our way. You helped us build our new home. You carried us through unprecedented times. We hope the generosity of our anonymous donors inspires you to support us again.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss your gift or pledge, please call Holly Feldman at 920-633-3228 or email holly@northernskytheater.com.
Holly Feldman, Managing Director
Board of Directors
Heidi Ling, Chairperson
Susan Caldwell, Vice Chairperson
Thomas A. Moore, Treasurer
Eric DeJardine, Secretary
Mark Breseman
Katie Dahl
Frederick J. Heide
Michael J. McCoy
Christine Saldanha
John Sawyer
Bill Theisen
Mailing Address: 9058 County Road A, Fish Creek, WI 54212